
Ineffective washing machine, noisy fridge or smelly dishwasher? Read on!

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Ineffective washing machine, noisy fridge or smelly dishwasher? Read on!

Renovating old white goods might be an odd hobby, but it's one I've maintained for most of my life--and I thought it was about time I shared some of my wisdom. Even if you're not interested in the inner workings of them like I am (and, to be honest, not many people are!), chances are high that you're still pretty reliant on the ones in your home. I've started this blog to share a few hints and tips for keeping your appliances running smoothly: what to look out for, what to avoid, and when to call in the professionals rather than trying to fix them up alone.

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Sewing Machine Missing A Stitch? How To Troubleshoot Potential Repair Issues

There's nothing worse than dealing with a broken sewing machine when you're trying to complete a project. Luckily, some sewing machine issues can be handled with a few at-home procedures. When those at-home procedures don't work, you need to take your sewing machine in for professional repairs. If you're not sure when professional services are needed, the first thing you should do is troubleshoot the issues on your own. 

Your Needle is Striking the Plate

If you're hearing strange noises, one of the first places you should look is the needle plate. Clattering noises can be caused by the needle striking the plate rather than passing through the feed holes. If the needle is striking the plate, you need to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. Those strikes could break the needle. First, check the needle to make sure it's positioned properly. Next, inspect the feed plate for proper installation. If neither of those steps resolves the issue, it's time to take your sewing machine in for repairs. 

Your Thread Keeps Breaking

If you can't seem to finish your project because the thread keeps breaking, there might not be a cause for concern. This problem can be a simple case of improper threading technique. You might think that threading errors won't affect how your sewing machine functions, but that's not the case. Threading errors can cause fabric misfeeds, needle breakage, tension issues, and thread breakage. To remedy the issues, remove the thread and start from scratch. Once your machine is rethreaded, try sewing again. If the thread breaks again, call for sewing machine repairs. 

Your Fabric Isn't Feeding

If your sewing machine seemed to be working fine, but now you can't get the fabric to feed, there are a couple of things you can check on. First, remove the needle plate to check for dirt or dust. If that area is dirty, give it a good cleaning. Second, adjust the foot. If the foot isn't secure, it won't feed the fabric properly. Finally, try changing the fabric. If a different fabric feeds through properly, the issue is with the fabric you're using. If none of those methods resolve the feed problem, you need to take your sewing machine in for service. 

Your Machine is Old

Finally, if your sewing machine is old, and you want to keep it running strong, now's the time for a check-up. Age-related issues can pop up quickly with your sewing machine. A scheduled maintenance check will identify any repairs that need to be addressed. 

For more information on sewing machine repairs, contact a professional near you.