
Ineffective washing machine, noisy fridge or smelly dishwasher? Read on!

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Ineffective washing machine, noisy fridge or smelly dishwasher? Read on!

Renovating old white goods might be an odd hobby, but it's one I've maintained for most of my life--and I thought it was about time I shared some of my wisdom. Even if you're not interested in the inner workings of them like I am (and, to be honest, not many people are!), chances are high that you're still pretty reliant on the ones in your home. I've started this blog to share a few hints and tips for keeping your appliances running smoothly: what to look out for, what to avoid, and when to call in the professionals rather than trying to fix them up alone.

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Why You Should Never Attempt To Fix A Sewing Machine On Your Own

Millions of Australians love to sew and for good reason. You can create almost anything you want if you have enough time to learn and get good at it. In addition to that, sewing has many practical uses in day-to-day life, such as taking pants in that are a bit too large or fixing a bad tear on a favourite dress. With so much use, it is no wonder that sewing machines are bound to break eventually, and when they do, it can be tempting to try and fix them on your own. Here is why you should never attempt sewing machine repairs by yourself.

Different Brands Require Different Expertise 

Even if you have experience with one brand of sewing machine, that does not automatically mean you will know how to solve a different brand's problem. For example, if you need Bernina sewing machine repairs but only have experience with Phaff sewing machine repairs, this knowledge will not necessarily be transferrable, even if the problem is in a similar area. That also means that when you are searching for sewing machine repairs, you should ideally be looking at a place that specifically works with your brand of sewing machine. If not, you run the risk of them not being able to fix the problem as quickly.

You Can Make It Worse

This is a common piece of advice for trying to fix anything on your own if you don't have the expertise: you are more likely to damage it than fix it. Sewing machines are complicated items that perform many different functions in a second, and that means all the processes have to be correctly aligned. If your machine is broken and you try to fix it, you are simply opening yourself up to throwing another part of the machine out of whack, even if you do manage to fix the original issue. It is simply not worth it, especially when dealing with machines that are worth hundreds of dollars.

Regular Sewing Machine Maintenance Is The Best Solution

The last reason why you should never try fix a sewing machine on your own is simple: you should not let it get to the stage where it needs repairing. Having a professional perform some sewing machine maintenance on your particular model every year (or even more frequently) vastly reduces the risk of it breaking down and can save you hundreds of dollars in repair costs down the road. The best way to fix an accident is to ensure it never happens in the first place, and the only way you can do that is with sewing machine maintenance.