
Ineffective washing machine, noisy fridge or smelly dishwasher? Read on!

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Ineffective washing machine, noisy fridge or smelly dishwasher? Read on!

Renovating old white goods might be an odd hobby, but it's one I've maintained for most of my life--and I thought it was about time I shared some of my wisdom. Even if you're not interested in the inner workings of them like I am (and, to be honest, not many people are!), chances are high that you're still pretty reliant on the ones in your home. I've started this blog to share a few hints and tips for keeping your appliances running smoothly: what to look out for, what to avoid, and when to call in the professionals rather than trying to fix them up alone.

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Three Essential Tips for Making Espresso Using Your Coffee Machine

If you are a coffee shop operator or an enthusiast, you should learn how to brew the best espresso using suitable appliances such as Expobar coffee machines. An espresso is the base coffee content for most coffee-based beverages, including latte and cappuccino. Therefore, if your espresso-brewing skills improve, your entire coffee-making tasks will be smoother. Here are some essential guidelines to help you brew better espresso using your coffee machine.

Choose the Right Coffee 

You should choose the correct coffee to match your machine. In general, espressos are made by forcing hot water through a puck containing ground coffee. Unfortunately, the pressure required to push hot water through finely ground coffee will be higher than one with medium ground particles. Therefore, if you choose very fine coffee but your appliance cannot deliver water under high pressure, your coffee will not be ideal. On the other hand, the strength and taste of larger coffee particles might not be the best for your needs. Therefore, you should always grind your coffee to the level recommended by the manufacturer, depending on the machine's pressure.

Warm the Machine Components

Your espresso will not be perfect if you make coffee using a cold machine and pour it into a cold cup. Therefore, you should think about preheating the unit before making your first shot of coffee. The most critical component that must be preheated is the filter. If it is cold, the hot water under pressure will be cooled significantly, reducing the quality of coffee. You can warm the filtration components by running some hot water through it. You should also warm the espresso cup on your machine tray or pour some hot water into the cup and drain it. Alternatively, you can get good results by running an espresso cycle without coffee. This process will warm the internal components, and you can pour hot water into the cup to warm it.

Measure and Tamp

You should measure the correct amount of coffee for making your espresso in the machine. You should take note whether you would like a double or single shot of coffee. Once you place the ground coffee in the filter, you should tamp it down to an even level. Compact the coffee and brush off any loose and stray particles. Then, you should lock the filter in the machine and allow the correct amount of water to be pumped through the coffee. After the recommended brewing time passes, you should pour coffee into your pre-heated cup.